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Ready to Face the Spirits? Upstate NY’s Most Haunted Hotel Offers a Paranormal Investigation Sleepover

Welcome to the Shanley Hotel, where the past meets the paranormal, and every corner holds the promise (or threat) of a ghostly encounter. Nestled in Napanoch, NY, in the beautiful Hudson Valley, this haunted haven is widely regarded as one of the most haunted locations in New York State—and possibly the entire East Coast. If you're into ghost hunting, this is the spot for you. With a tragic history, nightly paranormal investigations, and a reputation for serious supernatural activity, the Shanley offers an experience that goes beyond the typical hotel stay. Ready to spend the night?

A History Steeped in Tragedy and Spirits

The Shanley’s story is littered with tragedy. It was first opened in 1845, but like many old buildings, it didn’t have a smooth ride into the present. The original structure burned down 50 years after it first opened, but was rebuilt and bought by James Shanley in 1906. He and his wife, Beatrice, turned the property into a thriving social spot, where parties and gatherings were frequently held. However, the hotel's early success was overshadowed by a series of personal tragedies that would leave a lingering mark on the place.

One of the most tragic events involved James’s own family. The Shanleys had three children, but none of them lived beyond infancy. It’s said that Beatrice Shanley never recovered from these devastating losses. The hotel barber, Peter Greger, also suffered a heartbreaking tragedy when his young daughter Rosie drowned after falling into a nearby well. Guests still claim to hear Rosie’s laughter and even see her apparition, especially in the room that bears her name.

On top of that, Beatrice’s sister Esther died of influenza in the hotel, leaving behind two children for Beatrice to raise. Esther's spirit is one of the more frequently encountered ghosts at the Shanley, with guests reporting hearing her footsteps or seeing her figure in the room where she passed.

But the tragedies don’t end there. During Prohibition, the hotel became home to a speakeasy and bordello, where shady characters often gathered. One such character was a hitman named Frank, who is said to still haunt the hotel today. Frank, along with a number of other spirits, including children, former workers, and even a ghost cat named Sweet Thing, are often experienced by guests and ghost hunters alike.

What Exactly Happens During a Paranormal Investigation Sleepover?

Now, this is where it gets exciting—and a bit spooky. The Shanley Hotel offers public overnight investigations where guests become ghost hunters for the night. These investigations are a mix of structured, staff-led hunts and free time for you to explore on your own. Whether you're a seasoned investigator or just curious, the experience is thrilling, eerie, and (potentially) life-changing.

Check-in begins at 6 PM, and after settling into your haunted room, you’ll be part of a four-hour ghost hunt that runs from 8 PM to midnight. Equipped with ghost-hunting gadgets like EMF detectors and REM pods, you’ll explore the hotel’s most haunted areas, including the Gentleman’s Quarters, the Bordello, and Esther’s Room.

The hotel’s staff, who are experts in paranormal investigations, guide guests through the experience. They'll teach you how to use the equipment, help you ask the right questions, and, most importantly, keep an eye out for those famous ghostly residents. From flickering lights to strange cold spots and whispers in the dark, the evidence of paranormal activity at the Shanley is well-documented. For many, the most thrilling part comes when they review their EVP recordings and hear voices from the other side.

The Spirits of the Shanley Hotel

With over 30 spirits reportedly hanging around the hotel, the Shanley offers a full cast of supernatural characters to meet. One of the most famous is Frank, a hitman with a dark sense of humor. Frank is notorious for making his presence known in unsettling ways. Some guests have reported hearing him whistle or even being strangled by unseen hands—though, apparently, Frank thinks it’s all in good fun. His voice has been captured on EVP recordings, and staff say he once joked, “You liked it,” after an especially creepy encounter.

Another notable spirit is Esther, Beatrice Shanley’s sister, who died in the hotel during the 1918 influenza epidemic. Esther is often seen in the room where she passed, and her footsteps are frequently heard in the hallways. Guests have reported feeling her presence, and some say they’ve seen her waiting by the phone, as she did in life, hoping for a call from her loved ones back in New York City.

And then there’s Rosie, the little girl who drowned in a well near the hotel. Rosie’s room is one of the most active spots in the hotel. Guests often hear her giggling or see her toys moving on their own. Some even claim to have seen her peeking around corners or running through the halls.

But it's not all about the human spirits—there's even a ghost cat named Sweet Thing, who is known to brush up against people’s legs or jump onto their beds in the middle of the night.

What’s it Like to Spend the Night?

After the guided investigation wraps up at midnight, you’ll have time to roam the hotel on your own, if you’re brave enough. Many guests take this opportunity to revisit particularly active areas or experiment with their own ghost-hunting equipment. The hotel encourages guests to bring their own gadgets, but also has equipment available for purchase.

The rooms themselves are a mix of charming and chilling. For instance, the Gentleman’s Quarters can sleep up to 10 people, and is one of the hotel’s most active spots for paranormal activity. This area was once used as a bordello, and guests have reported hearing ghostly footsteps and voices throughout the night. Another popular room is Esther’s Room, where people often feel cold drafts and see her figure standing in the doorway. Then there’s Rosie’s Room, where her toys sit eerily still—until they don’t.

The entire hotel seems alive with energy, and most guests report having trouble sleeping, not just because of the ghostly visitors, but because of the eerie atmosphere that permeates the building. It’s not uncommon to hear strange sounds in the middle of the night, feel a sudden chill, or wake up to the feeling of being watched.

The Science (and Skepticism) Behind Ghost Hunting

While some people are firm believers in the paranormal, others remain skeptical. But even skeptics have found themselves unnerved by the happenings at the Shanley Hotel. The hotel’s spirits are known for producing clear EVPs, and many guests leave with recordings of ghostly voices they didn’t hear during their stay but later discovered while reviewing their tapes.

It’s said that the presence of skeptics can even affect the success of an investigation. According to the hotel’s staff, the spirits may choose to ignore those who don’t believe in them. As one of the investigators puts it, “Ghosts have nothing to prove.” They’re here, whether you believe it or not.

The hotel uses various tools during the investigations, including REM pods, which detect electromagnetic fields, and Phasmabox, a software that scans radio frequencies in search of spirit voices. The Shanley’s spirits seem particularly fond of making their presence known through these devices, often responding directly to guests’ questions.

Is the Shanley Hotel for You?

Let’s be real—this is not your average getaway. The Shanley Hotel is for those who love a good scare and are genuinely interested in exploring the unknown. Whether you're a seasoned ghost hunter or someone just looking for an unforgettable experience, this hotel offers a mix of history, tragedy, and paranormal thrills that will leave you both fascinated and a little shaken.

And while the hotel does provide complimentary breakfast and snacks, don't expect to be too hungry after a night of ghost-hunting. Fear has a way of killing the appetite.

Pro Tips for Your Paranormal Adventure:

- Bring your own ghost-hunting gear if you want to enhance your experience. While the hotel provides some equipment, serious investigators often bring their own tools like digital recorders or night vision cameras.

- Stay hydrated and caffeinated—complimentary coffee is available all night long to keep you alert during your investigation.

- Don’t provoke the spirits. The hotel’s staff advises that you treat the spirits with respect. They’re not there for your entertainment; this is their home, after all.

- No smoking or smudging—leave your sage at home. The Shanley doesn’t allow any smudging or candle burning on the premises, and you wouldn’t want to offend the spirits anyway.

So, the real question is: Are you brave enough to spend the night in Upstate NY’s most haunted hotel? If you think you can handle it, the Shanley Hotel is waiting…


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